Digital Desk

The current context is characterized by a tendency from financial organizations to make use of direct customer relationship channels, both in computer/marketing terms and in transactional ones. This reduces costs, increases efficiency and grows alongside the customer’s choice power and lifestyle. However, the face-to-face channel will remain in existence, with greater pressure set upon the service model, based on a digital experience within the physical channel that potentiates better service.

Our multimedia solution allows the organization to expand its relationship with its clients in a dynamic and effective way, creating a service space that goes along with the client from the moment he/she needs to visit the physical space. For that purpose, a mobile device is offered to maintain customer relationship. When entering the space, the client is guided according to his/her profile and needs; also, while the client waits, he/she is engaged in a corporate, commercial and educational environment in order to support decision making. Finally, we provide customer satisfaction assessment solutions to track and follow complaints within an opportunities approach, so that the organization can maintain customer loyalty through effective complaint resolution with personalized feedback.

  • Para os responsáveis pela arquitectura e planeamento de sistema de informação, a nossa solução está suportada em tecnologias que acompanham as tendências tecnológicas e incorporam conceitos de framework modernos e adaptativos, para garantir a resiliência. Por outro lado, a estrutura por componentes, garante a integração de novas necessidades de forma evolutiva, tendo por base uma interface comum com o utilizador, para evitar rupturas no modelo de utilização;

  • Para os responsáveis pelo Marketing, a nossa solução permite a implementação de estratégias de marketing assentes em segmentação de clientes, produtos e canais ajustadas ao perfil de cada cliente, com modelo de atenção e funcionalidades específicas, passíveis de posicionamento de pricing de acordo com a segmentação, e com mecanismos adicionais de comunicação relacional, campanhas para captação e fidelização de clientes;

  • Para os responsáveis pelos canais presenciais, a nossa solução suporta uma gestão integrada num back-office comum, para racionalização de definição e monitorização de processos;

  • Para o cliente final, proporciona uma visão integrada de utilização do canal presencial, como uma experiência com marca de qualidade da instituição.

Relationship Marketing APP

Company Mobile APP that aggregates specific service management services.

Service Management

Managed ticket system according to the type of services available at the branch; service is customizable in case the customer identifies him-/herself when taking a ticket.

Digital Storefront, Corporate TV and Multimedia Kiosks

Devices for teaching, institutional and commercial resources in several multimedia formats, managed in Back-Office (programming wise) in a specific manner for each desk.

Pricing and Fees Management

A solution that allows for pricelists to be consulted on a multimedia device at the desk.

Customer Claims and Satisfaction Management

Claims, suggestions and service assessment records management system that allows for a mystery client model and can be reused in mobile apps or multimedia devices.

Digital Desk Integrated Management System

Integrated Back-Office, for management of all components, accesses, content publishing and operations monitoring.
Related Products

Internet Banking

The Internet Banking solution is seen as a complement for connecting online and physical communication, regarding appointment setting, suggestions, claims and service review.

Mobile Banking

The Mobile Banking solution is seen as a complement for connecting online and physical communication, regarding appointment setting, suggestions, claims and service review, as an alternative to the Relationship Marketing APP, as the latter is built into our Mobile Banking solution, if the customer so chooses.

Contact Center

The Contact Centre solution is dedicated to appointment setting and Branch searching by area or service time, as well as indirectly recording claims, suggestions and service reviews, but within the same information source for subsequent follow-up.